In the realm of adult anime, a captivating new series has emerged: “Maid Education.” Based on the acclaimed doujin work by Kyokucho, it follows the story of Tsubaki, a stunning young girl hailing from the once-noble Rurikawa family, now in decline. Rescued by the powerful nobleman Poiman, Tsubaki embarks on a transformative journey as his personal maid. After the fall of her prestigious family, the beautiful Tsubaki is discovered by Poiman, who offers her a new beginning—albeit with the condition that she serves as his maid. In a situation where resistance is not an option, Tsubaki strives to uphold her noble pride, maintaining her dignity as Poiman subjects her to a controversial form of “maid education.” This training challenges her resolve through intense physical and emotional trials, leading to experiences she never anticipated. The anime adaptation of “Maid Education” showcases Kyokucho’s artistic talents, particularly his ability to illustrate expressions of ecstasy. Directed by Hideta Tamata with key animation by Masahiro Ogura and Yayoi Ikari, the series is produced by Pink Pineapple and animated by Studio 1st. More than just an anime, “Maid Education” delves into the complex themes of maid training, power dynamics, and submission. As Tsubaki navigates this intricate world, viewers are invited to witness her transition from a proud noblewoman to a devoted maid.